About Us

Welcome to Streppol Medical Laboratory

Streppol Medical Laboratory has a strong commitment to quality in all aspects of our service. We aim to continuously improve our service and customer satisfaction by putting patient care first in everything we do. Our core values support our commitment to meeting quality standards and accreditation. We maintain consistency across our network of laboratories and collection centres to ensure that the same service level is experienced at all facilities.


Years of Experience


Qualified Team

Satisfied Clients

About Us

Streppol Medical Laboratory prides itself on strong customer service and analytical results of the utmost quality and reliability. As such our laboratory has been fully accredited by the National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) for years, with a well-established quality system and regular external auditing to ensure the best results for our clients.

Medical Laboratories

Good medicine doesn’t just happen. It is a complex and continually evolving discipline that requires insight, sensitivity and a lifelong commitment to learning to provide the best possible patient care and patient outcomes.


Skin Cancer Surgical Audit

Surgical removal of skin cancers is the mainstay of treatment, often resulting in high cure rates and good cosmetic results if performed by experienced skin cancer physicians.


Medical Arts Facilities

Arts can play an important role in improving your overall health and wellbeing. As well as performances and exhibitions, we offer a range of visual and performing arts activities to support your recovery.