Medical Laboratories

Medical Laboratories

Good medicine doesn’t just happen. It is a complex and continually evolving discipline that requires insight, sensitivity and a lifelong commitment to learning to provide the best possible patient care and patient outcomes.

Our success has always been driven by the understanding that Medical Leadership facilitates the highest standards of professional and operational excellence for the doctors and patients we serve. Streppol Medical Laboratory is medically managed by pathologists supported by a stable, committed management team focussed on providing the best patient care. Our Medical Leadership philosophy honours the following ideals of medical practice:

  • Patients and their wellbeing are our highest priority
  • Our actions, behaviours and business decisions are always focused on supporting clinicians and good medical practice
  • We strive to achieve the highest standards of quality and service excellence
  • We are committed to supporting and being part of the medical communities we serve

We recognize and support the importance of medical education, research and professional advocacy.